Saturday, June 23, 2012

MCA II Year, II Semester
Osmania University
1. Discuss about creation of basicforms and complex forms can be linked. (Feb 12)
2. What is Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) with the help of suitable examples. (Feb 12)
3. i. Explain about form,frame,img and font tags.
ii. Write html code to link webpages. (July 11)
4. i. What are cascading style sheets? Explain. (July 11)
ii. Discuss aboutbox model.
5. What is form? Write a HTML programt to gather information of student using forms. (Dec 10)
6. Explain implementation of ordered and un ordered list in HTML. (Dec 10)
7. Explain in detail about ordered and unordered lists with example. How complex forms can be linked?
(July 10)
8. Explain how external styles can be used. Write an external style file which consists of all font properties.
(July 10)
9. i. Expand and explain briefly about
a) HTTP b) FTP c) URL d) HTTPS
ii. Explain how do you link images, web pages, files and also about other linking within web page. (Nov 09)
10. i. Write the difference between get and post method in informarion transmission using form? (Nov 09)
ii. Write about inline Cascade Style Sheets with the help of examples.
11. Explain about <table>, <frame> and <form> tags with suitable example for each. (May 09)
12. What is Cascading Style Sheets? Explain different types of Cascading Style Sheets. (May 09)
13. Explain about action and method attribute of form tag in detail. (Nov 08)
14. i. Explain when Rowspan and Colspan attributes are used in creating a table with example.
ii. What is floating and box model? Give examples. (Nov 08)
15. i. Illustrate the importance of Meta Page using examples. (May 08)
ii. List out the tags used to format text in HTML. Explain each.
16. i. Write about CSS and its advantages. (May 08)
ii. Write a CSS rule that changes the color of allelements containing attribute class=”green move “ of green
and shifts them down 25 pixels and right 15 pixels..
17. i. Discuss about cascading style sheets in line styles.
ii. Discuss with an example, ordered and nested lists. (Nov 07)
18. Design an HTML page to display the purchase bill in a Grocery Store. (Nov 07)
19. i. Design an HTML page to generate student registaration form.
ii. Explain the tags required to create Hyperlinks and images. (May/June 07)
20. Describe the features of cascading style sheets with an example. (May/June 07)
1. i. what is meant by object referencing explain about collections all. (Feb 12)
2. i. describe filters and transitions with suitable examples.. (Feb 12)
ii. Write about structured graphics and its applications..
3. i. Write about object referencing in object model. (July 11)
4. i. What are the filters and transitions explain. (July 11)
ii. Discuss about structured graphics.
5. Write a program which enumerate all the tags used in used in HTML file. (Dec 10)
6. Write about filters available in DHTML. (Dec 10)
7. Explain about ONERROR, ONMOUSEOUT, ONFOCUS, ONBLUR event handlers with suitable example
for each. (July 10)
8. i. Explain how data binding can be done with Tabular data control. Give example. (July 10)
ii. Give some structured graphics ActiveX controls.
9. i. Define Active and Control.
ii. List out steps involved in binding data using tabular data control. (Nov 09)
10. i. List out any four objects of DHTML and explain about them.
ii. Why error handling is important? Give any two situations where you need error handling. (Nov 09)
11. What is object referencing? Give example for collections all and children. (May 09)
12. Explain about filters and transitions. (May 09)
13. Write about All and Children object. Give examples to list out all tags used in HTML file. (Nov 08)
14. i. Explain error handling in event model.
ii. Define ActiveX control. (Nov 08)
15. i. Explain object referencing using examples. (May 08)
ii. Write about
16 Explain briefly about different types of filters and transitions available in DHTML (May 08)
17. Discuss with an example data binding with tabular data. (Nov 07)
18. Mention the salient functions of ONMOUSEOVER, ONLOAD and ON Submit event model. (Nov 07)
19. i. Explain in detail defferent types of filters used in Dynamic HTML.
ii. Write short notes on Translate and rotate in structured graphics. (May/June 07)
20. i. Write an error handler that changes the ALT text of an image to “Error Loading” if the image loading is not
1. i. Write a javascript program to reverise a given number at runtime. (Feb 12)
ii. differentiate between WhileLoop and forloop with suitable examples.
2 i. Write java script program to find prime numbers from 1 to 100 (Feb 12)
ii. how arrays are passed to functions?Explain with an example.
3 Discuss about various control Structures with syntax and examples. (July 11)
4 i. Write a javascript program to create multiplication table using arrays. (July 11)
ii differentiate between recursion and iteration functions.
5. Explain how do you send parameter as array to functions using example. (Dec 10)
6. Explain what is the role of Scripting Languages in developing web pages. (Dec 10)
7. Write a Java Script code to validate a user by taking input as user name and password from the form and
assume user name as “WEB” and password as “PROGRAMMING”. (July 10)
8. i. Explain the usage of reference parameters and how it can be used in functions. (July 10)
ii. Explain the Math and String objects.
9. i. Write a program using Java Script to validate user name and password.
ii. Explain selection structures available in Java Script. (Nov 09)
10. i. Write a Java Script program to sort array using functions. Implement selection sort.
ii. Differentiate client side scripting and server side scripting. (Nov 09)
11. Explain Java Script control structures with example. (May 09/JULY 11)
12. i. What is recursion? Differentiate between recursion and iteration with example.
ii. Explain Boolean and Number objects. (May 09)
13. i. What does the following function do?
function mystery(a,b)
return a;
return a+ mystery(a,b-1);
ii. What is scripting? When we need scripting language? GIve advantages. (Nov 08)
14. Write a Java Script program to search an element in array using Linear search. (Nov 08)
15. i. Write a script that reads in two integers and determines outputs HTML text that whether the first is
multiple of second. (May 08)
ii. Identify and correct the errors in each of the following segments of code
(1) While (c<=5) (2) IF (gender==1)
Product * =c; document.writeln(“woman”);
++c; else;
16. Explain string objcect using examples in detail. (May 08)
17. Write a script for creating a mathematical table. (Nov 07)
18. Write short notes on: (Nov 07)
i. Control Structures in Java Script.
ii. String manipulations in Java Script.
19. i. Write a Java Script to generate a Mathematical Table.
ii. Short notes on Javascript control structures. (May/June 07)
20. Explain in detail all Javascript objects Math, String, Data, Boolean and numbers. (May/June 07)
1. i. discuss about strings manipulation functions (Feb 12)
ii. Write a VB Script program to find fibbnacci series.
2 i. Discuss the installation of a webserver. (Feb 12)
ii differentiate betwwen ApacheWebserver and internelinformationserver.
MCA II Year, II Semester.
3. i explain how functions are declared in VB script by taking a suitable example. (July 11)
ii .discuss about various datatypes and operations in VB script.
4. i What is a Web Server.?discuss about personal Web Server. (July 11)
ii write procedure to install a Web Server.
5. Give syntax of function declaration in VB script. Explain using example. (Dec 10)
6. Write about IIS. (Dec 10)
7. Explain how string manipulation can be done in VB script? Give example. (July 10)
8. Explain about web server functionality and differentiate between personal web server and internet
information server. (July 10)
9. i. Write about web server and its functions.
ii. Write about control structures available in VB script. (Nov 09)
10. i. List out string manipulation functions of VB script. (Nov 09)
ii. Write about data types of VB script.
11. Explain how classes and objects can be used in VB script. Give example. (May 09)
12. Explain about Web Server functionality and differentiate between Personal Web Server and Internet
Information Server. (May 09)
13. Explain about IIS detail. (Nov 08)
14. i. Using example explain dynamic arrays in VB script.
ii. Write VB script code to validate username and password fields. Password should be atleast 8 characters
in which atleast 2 characters should be numeric and 2 characters should be alphabetic. (Nov 08)
15. i. Write about various data types available in VB Script. (May 08)
ii. Write short notes on :
(a) Option Explicit.
(b) Dim
(c) New
(d) Redim
16. i. In a three-tire application explain how the middle tire interact with the client tire. (May 08)
ii. Define the following terms:
(a) Top- level domain
(b) Virtual directory
(c) Web server
17. Discuss with a program oriented example, how client side scripting is done in VB Script. (Nov 07)
18. Write short notes on: (Nov 07)
i. Classes and objects in VB Script.
ii. Data types and control structures in VB Script.
19. i. Write a VB Script to find the largest of three numbers.
ii. Short Description of Input Box and MSG Box. (May/June 07)
20. Simulate the function of a Simple Calculator using VB Script. (May/June 07)
1. Write short notes on the following : (Feb 12)
(a) Active server pages (b) CGI and PERL5
2 i. What is XML parser?Explain. (Feb 12)
ii discribe about cookies.
3. i. What is mean by session tracking?explain. (July 11)
ii. Discuss about ActiveX control.
4. Write shrt notes on the following (July 11)
(a)cookies (b)parsers.
5. i. Write about server side scripting.
ii. Write ASP program to gather information sent by form and display the same information. (Dec 10)
6. Write a perl program using matching operation to determine if a string is a substring within another string.
(Dec 10)
7. Write a short note on Active Server Pages. (July 10)
8. Write a CGI code to find factorial of a given number. (July 10)
9. i. Write about advantages of Perl language.
ii. Write about server side scripting languages. (Nov 09)
10. Explain ASP objects in details. (Nov 09)
11. Explain about ADO in ASP with suitable example. (May 09)
12. Write a Perl code to find minimum of given three numbers. (May 09)
13. i. Differentiate between clientside scripting and serverside scripting.
ii. Define cookies. What is its use? (Nov 08)
14. List out different objects provided by ASP. Explain briefly. (Nov 08)
15. i. How can a pert program determine the type of browser of browser a web client is using? (May 08)
ii. Write short notes on pert data types.
16. Write a asp program to handle from details and save to database file. (May 08)
17. Write short notes no: (Nov 07)
i. Features of Web Server
ii. XML DTD.
18. Write short notes on:
i. Web Services.
ii. Client Side Scripting v / s Server Side Scripting. (Nov 07)
19. i. Differentiate between Client side Scripting and Server side Scripting.
ii. Explan the different datatypes used in Perl program. (May/June 07)
20. i. Describe the importance of Webserver.
ii. Write a XML DTD for a student information which has the following details name, address 1, address 2,
City, State, Zip, Phone. (May/June 07)

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