Saturday, June 23, 2012

MCA II Year, II Semester
Osmania University

1. i. Write about UNIX file structure (Feb 12)
ii. What are three levels of security ? Explan in detail about chmod command.
iii. Explain in detail about the different patterns avaliable in awk.
2. i. Write an awk script that given a file name as the arugument.deletes all even lines in the files. (Feb 12)
ii. Define grep family and compare the members of the family.
iii. What are the special parameters and variables in the korn shell ?
3. i. Describe the Uniz file system in detail.
ii. Write notes on Grep command. (July 11)
4. i. Write notes on Unix Shell Programming with suitable examples.
ii. Discuss about awk command. (July 11)
5. Explain thedifference between multiuser operating system and multitask operating system.
6. Explain the difference between utilities and applications.
7. Describe the three phases involved in a session.
8. What methods are available to the system administrator to control system security? Explain each one.
9. What are the three levels of security in UNIX?
10. Identify and explain the six different states of a job.
11. Define a regular expression. Comapre and contrast it with a mathematical expression.
12. Define a operator. Compare and contrast operators in a regular expression and operators in a mathematical
13. Mention the primary difference between fgrep and the other two members of the family.
14. i. Describe the similarities and differences between the three loop statements in awk.
ii. Describe the similarities and differences between the next statement and the getline statement.
1. i. What is signal ? Write about signal handling with good example. (Feb 12)
ii. What is inter process communication ? Explain about IPC with different methods.
2. i. Explain about three types of unix file system implementation that can be exploited to provide a type of
ii. What is shared memory ? What is the importance of it ? Explain in detail about the process of “Allocating
a shared memory segement”.Write about controlling of a shared memory segment. (Feb 12)
3. Expalin about Inter process communication using message queues with suitable examples. (July 11)
4. i. What is a Daemon process ? Discuss. (July 11)
ii. Explain about Semaphores and shared memory.
5. i. Explain about process management in Linux system.
6. i. Explain various components of Linux system.
ii . Explain the functionality of the basic components of the LINUX system.
7. i. Explain the following features of the linux systems
(a) File System (b) I/O System
8. With the help of a suitable diagram, explain the various components of Linux system.
9. Explain the memory management of Linux system.
10. Explain the file and directory structure in UNIX operating system.
11. Explain the general architecture of the following: UNIX operating system
12. Explain how Inter process communication is handled in UNIX Operating System.
13. Write short notes on: (i) NT Kernel functionally (ii) System calls.
14. Explain how inter process communication is accomplished in UNIX operating system.
15. i. Describe the memory management scheme in the UNIX operating system.
ii. Briefly explain UNIX kernel I/O structure.
1. i. Explain about elementary socket system calls.Discuss about necessary system calls sequence in connection
oriented client server communication.
ii. Write short note on socket addresses. (Feb 12)
2. i. Explin about Internet super server. (Feb 12)
ii Discuss about following advanced socket system calls.
(i) readv ( ),writev ( ) (ii) fcntl ( ),ioctl ( )
3. i. Discuss briefly about Elementary Socket System Calls. (July 11)
ii. Explain about Input/Output Multiplexing.
4. i. Write notes on Sockets and Signals.
ii. Explain about reserved ports and socket options. (July 11)
1. i. What are the three categories of perl variables? Expaian about them with good examples.( Feb 12)
ii. Discuss in detail about pattern matching in PERL with good examples.
2. i. Write short note on: (i) Form handling in PHP. (ii) Cookies and session tracking. (Feb 12)
3. i. Discuss about origin and uses of PERL. (July 11)
ii. Give syntax and examples for the control statement of PERL.
4. i. Give an overview of PHP and its charateristics with operations and expressions. (July 11)
ii. Explain about arrays and functions of PHP with suitable examples.
1. i. Discuss in detail about lists,dictionaries and tupules in phython. (Feb 12)
ii. Write about FILES handling in python with example.
2. i. Discuss about classes,inheritance,class customization inpython. (Feb 12)
ii. Write about exception handling with example.
3. i. Discuss the mapping and set types of python. (July 11)
ii. Explain about Files and I/O of python with examples.
4. i. Briefly explain about errors and Exception handling in python.
ii. Discuss about functions and programming using functions in python with examples. (July 11)

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