Saturday, June 23, 2012

MCA II Year, II Semester
Osmania University

1. i. Explain about TCP/IP Architecture and its significance.
` ii. What are the major components of data communication systems?explain about it. (Feb 12 new)
2. i. Discuss about any two transimission media. (Feb 12 new)
ii. Explain about RS-232 INTERFACE.
3. i. Compare and contrast between virtual circuit and data gram subnet. (Feb 12 old)
ii. Explain about distance vector routine algorithm.
4. Write short notes on a)load shedding b)jitter control c)design issues of network layer (Feb 12 old)
5 i. What are five major components of data communication system. (July 11)
ii. What is protocol.explain in detail about ISO OSI reference model.
6. i. Explain about different guided transmission media and its characteristics. (July 11)
ii. What is modem explain about the various types of modems.
7 i. Differentiate between adaptive and non adaptive Alogorithms. (Dec10)
ii. Explain about Linkstate routing with an example?.
iii. What are disadvantages of distance vectar routing Algorithm?
8 i Explain about different Traffic Shaping Techniques. (Dec 10)
ii Explain how choke packets and load shedding are used in controlling congestion in a network?
9 i Distinguish between Linkstate and Distance Vector Routin g Algorithm . (July 10)
ii Find how many packets are generated by Broadcast from router using Reverse path forwarding.
10 Write short note on : (July 10)
i Jitter Control
ii Load Shedding
iii Describe about different cngestion control techniques in virtual circiuts.
11 i Discuss design issues of layers. (Nov 09)
ii What is routing algorithm ? Explain hierarchical and flooding?
12 i Compare virtual circuits and datagrams? (Nov 09)
ii What is Congestion and explain concept of choke packet and load shedding congestion control algorithm?
13 i Compare virtual circuits and Data gram Subnets.
ii What is traffic shaping and illustrate any one congestion control Algorithm? (May 09)
14 i What is connection oriented Service and connection less service .Briefly overview 5 service primitive for
impleting a simple connection orriented service.
ii What is Optimality principle and explain any 2 routing algorithm with an example? (May 08)
15 i. Briefly explain the functions of each layer of OSI model.
ii. With suitable example explain shortest path and distance vector routing algorithms. (Nov 08)
16. i. Explain in detail resource reservation protocol.
ii. Explain how choke packets and load shedding are used in controlling congestion in a network. (Nov 08)
17. i. Define congestion control. Write any three methods to control congestion.
ii. Differentiate between virtual circuits and datagrams. (May 08)
18. i. How are routing algorithms classified? Expalain in detail hierarchical and flooding routing algorithm.
ii. Discuss the differences between ISO-OSI and TCP/IP reference model. (May 08)
19. i Compare virtual circuits and Datagrams subnets. (May/June 07)
ii. How are Routing Algorithms classified? Explain Hierarchical routing, by means of an example.
20. i. Dicuss choke packets and load shedding congestion control mechanisms.
ii. What does “nogotiation” mean when discussing network protocols? Give an example. (May/June 07)
iii. List out the advantages and disadvantages of having international standards for network protocols.
1. i. Given data frame 1010011010 and pattern 10101.Derive the frame that is to be transmitted using CRC.
ii. What is piggy backing?discuss about Go-back-N and selective repeat ARQ. (Feb 2012 new)
2. i. Discuss about pure ALOHA and slotted ALOHA. (Feb 2012 new)
ii. Draw and explain 802.4 frame format.
3. i. Discuss about firewalls (Feb 2012 old )
ii. Explain about fragmentation.
4. i. Describe about IP adresses. (Feb 2012 old)
ii. Discuss about anyone gateway protocol.
5. i. Explain about flow control.what are the different protocls used for them.explain that protocols.
ii. Given message D=100100, pattern p=1101,calculate FCS using CRC (July 2011)
6. i. Give frame format of ethernet and explain each field in detail.
ii. Explain about LAN protocol architecture. (July 2011)
7 i. Write a short note on : Tunneling , Fragmentation .
ii. Give IP packet header format. Specify the significance and functionality of each field? (Dec10)
8. i Explain how networks are classified based on IP addressing?
ii Convert IP address whose hexadecimal repreentation is C22F1580 to dotted decimal notation? Find the
class of address.
iii List diffrent ICMP messages. (Dec10)
9 i Write about Firewalls
ii With the help of a neat sketch explain in detail about IP header and each field. (July 10)
10 i Explain OSPF.
ii Explain about different IP addresses.
iii Find the addresses of networks for class B to support 6 networks. (July 10)
11 i Define Fragmentation and explain 2 types of fragmentation in detail.
ii Explain IPV4 header format with examples. (Nov 09)
12 i Explain the concept of firewalls
ii. Explain IP addresses format with examples. (Nov 09)
13 i Define Internet working and describe how networks differ.
ii Discuss Gateway routing protocols. (May 09)
14 i What is Tunneling and Firewalls ?Explain (May 09)
ii Give IP address formats and range of IP address in each class. Give also some example IP address.
15 i .Explain the concept of tunneling.
ii. Give IP packet header format? Specify the significance and functionality of each field. (Nov 08)
16. i. Explain how IP addresses are divided into different categories and who give special IP addresses.
ii. Explain in detail address resolution protocol. (May 08)
17. i. Explain in detail interior gateway routing protocol.
ii. What are IP address clauses? Why subnetting is required in network layer? (May 08)
18. i. Give the cell format of ATM and elaborate them.
ii. Discuss about working of firewalls. (May 08)
19. Explain Internetworking issues using concatenated virtual circuits. (May/June 07)
1. i. How networks can be connected by using different devices.Explain. (Feb 12 new)
ii. Write about fragmentation.
2. i. What is distance vector algorithm.Explain its usage for the following subnet.what problems are associated
with this are they overcomed.
ii. Write about BGP. (Feb 12 new)
3. i. Discuss in detail about connection establishment and releasing in transport layer. (Feb 12 Old)
ii. Write short notes on multiplexing.
4. a)explain about tcp segment header.
b)write about timer management in transport layer. (Feb 12 old)
5. i. Discuss different types of gateways. (July 11)
ii. Write short notes on i)fragmentation ii)ip adress classes
6. i. Explain link state routing with an example.
ii. Write short notes on OSPF,BGP (July 11)
7 i Explain connection management in TCP.
ii Write short notes on following
(a) Crash Recovery (b) Timers in Transport layers. (Dec 10)
8. i Discuss ATM adaption layer.
ii Write and explain service primitives used by transportation layer entities. (Dec 10)
9. i Describe about multiplexing in transport layer.
ii Explain about TCP connection and Release. (July 10)
10. Write short note on: a) Creash recovery b) Timer management c) ATM Adoption layer. (July 10)
11. i What is Crash Recovery?
ii Explain TCP transmission policy. (Nov 09)
12. i What is transport layer and briefly describe its service primitive?
ii Explain ATM ALL (Nov 09)
13. i How is connection released in Transport layer?
ii Explain TCP segment Header. (May 09)
14. i Discuss the concept of flow control and buffering in detail.
ii What is UDP and explain the structure of ATM adaptation layer. (May 09)
15. i. Explain how user process sets up a connection with a remote application process.
ii. Why flow control and buffeing is required? (Nov 08)
16. i. Draw the header format of TCP and explain how each field is used in its operation?
ii. Discuss about TCP transmission policy. (Nov 08)
17. i. Why multiplexing is required at transport level?
ii. Discuss in detail the transport layer in ATM. (May 08)
18. i. Explain about crash recovery.
ii. Draw the header format of TCP and explain how each field is used in its operation. (May 08)
19. i Discuss the issues and protocols used in Establing Transport connection between two hosts. (May 08)
ii. A TCP machine is sending full windows of 65, 535 bytes over a 1Gbps channel that has a 10 m sec one-way
delay. What is the maximum thruput achievable? What is the line efficiency? (May/June 07)
20. i. Explain the TCP Transmission Policy.
ii. Discuss the Crash recovery strategies of Transport connections. (May/June 07)

1. i. Briefly discuss about transport layer quality of service parameters. (Feb 2012 new)
ii. Draw the header part of tcp protocol.explain the usage of each field in providing transport service.
2 i. Discuss about congession control in tcpl
ii. W rite short notes on: (a) UDP (b) Tim er m anagem ent in TCP (Feb 2012 new)
3. Explain in detail about elementary socket system call for connection oriented client server and connection
less C/S. (Feb 2012 old)
4. Write short notes on (any two): (a) advance socket system call (Feb 2012 old)
(b)out of band data (c)internet super server.
5. i. Explain in detail about multiplexing and demultiplexing in transport layer with suitable examples.
ii. Explain about tcp congession control algorithm in detail with examples. (July 11)
6. i. briefly discuss about timer management in TCP
ii. What are the features of UDP draw the header part of UDP Protocol.explain each and every part.In what
application UDP is used and why. (July 11)
7. i. Explain different address structures . (Dec 10)
ii. Write the client and server code to implement connection oriented echo server using socket primitives.
8 i Explain about I/O multiplexing.
ii Describe in detail about advanced socket system calls. (Dec10)
9 i Explain about socket addresses
ii Describe about elementary system calls. (July 10)
10 i Briefly describe the operation principle of Internet Superserver.
ii Write about I/O Multiplexing. (July10)
11 Discuss about elementary socket system calls. (Nov 09)
12 i Explain I/O multiplexing.
ii Discuss advanced socket system call (Nov09)
13 Give an overview of socket interface and socket addresses. (May09)
14 i Explain I/O Multiplexing.
ii Discuss Internet supersever. (May09)
15 i. What are advanced sockets? Explain with their syntax?
ii. Write in detail about internet super server. (Nov 08)
16. i. What do you understand about asynchronous I/O?
ii. Explain about input/output multiplexing. (Nov 08)
17. i. What are advanced sockets? Explain with their syntax.
ii. By means of a sample program,explain the concept of Asynchronous I/O. (May 08)
18. Write the flow chart of internet super server. Explain select and dup system calls in detail. (May 08)
19. i List and explain the different Socket system calls that will be used in the implementation of connectionless
client-server programs.
ii. What is asynchronous I/O? Is it better than synchronous I/O? If so exmpal. (May/June 07)
20. i. What are reserved ports? List atleast 5 of them.
ii. Explain few socket options.
iii. What is Out-of-Band Data? Explain. (May/June 07)
1. Write notes on: (a) DNS (b) 5MTP (Feb 12 New)
2. i. Descibe basic model of FTP.
ii. Write short notes HTTP. (Feb 12 New)
3. i. What is cryptography explain about public key algorithm. (Feb 12 old)
ii. Write short notes on digital signatures.
4. Write short notes on : (a) email architechture (b) SNMP model. (Feb 12 old)
5. Write short notes on: (a) SMTP (b) FTP (Jul 11)
6. i. What is the architecture of WWW.discuss requirements of server side and client side.
ii. What is search engine.explain how it works. (Jul 11)
7. i. Distinguish the private and public key and how are they useful in cryptography.
ii. Explain about RSA algorithm. (Dec 10)
8. Write short note on DNS ,Email, DataCompression (Dec 10)
9. Distinguish among the following approaches to digital signatures symmetric key,public key and message
digest. (July 10)
10 . i Explain how e-mail system can do and how they are organized.
ii Explain RSA Algorithm in detail. (July 10)
11. i Explain Diffie-Hellman Key advantage
ii What is SNMP model? Explain. (Nov 09)
12. i What is DNS and define resourse records in details?
ii Define digital signatures and explain PGP and PEM. (Nov 09)
13. i Explain about Traditional Cryptography
ii Write briefly about DNS and explain functionality of DNS protocol. (July 09)
14. i Discuss RSA algorithm with asuitable example.
ii Explain E-mail architecture. (July 09)
15. i. Discuss the architecture of electronic mail?
ii. Write in detail about DNS. (Nov 08)
16. i. Write RSA algorithm? How it can be used in message integrity and digital signatures?
ii. What is encryption and decryption? (Nov 08)
17. i. Dicuss about SMTP and DNS?
ii. Write brief note on digital signatures. (May 08)
18. i. Distinguish between substitution and transportation cipher.
ii. Write brief note on digital signatures. (May 08)
19. Explain the DNS Protocol. (May/June 07)
20. i. Discuss with an illustration SNMP architecture. (May/June 07)
ii. Write notes on the following:

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